Balsamic Fruit Salad
There are some ingredients I just can’t get enough of. (Same goes with food but I find this to be an inappropriate time to share that I had 4 croissants today). Well, this summer, it’s balsamic. I feel like I go through this phase every summer too. I pour that sh*& on everything. Strawberry margarita? Why not tang it up with some BV! Side dish a little boring? Add some BV. Need some more flavor in that chicken? BV all the way. In fact, I love it so much I’ve even started calling it BV (mainly b/c I can’t spell it to save my life). Which is why my husband was not at all surprised when I ate this entire balsamic fruit salad on my own in one bite.
I’m not kidding you guys. I ate this ENTIRE SALAD without sharing one bite. There wasn’t a morsel left on my plate. Not even a splash of vinegar sauce. That’s how good this salad is. The sweetness of the fruit, the crunch of the cucumber and the tang of the vinegar is like an orgasm of flavors in your mouth.
Not to brag, but guys, doesn’t this just look luscious? Don’t you want to just bury your face in there and never come out? After all of the heavy cheese, wine, charcuterie and FAT I’ve been eating this week, a salad like this is visual porn to me right now. In fact, I’m getting all hot and bothered just looking at it.
And you know what? That also could be due to the fact that I’m drinking wine like it’s water in the Air France Lounge right now. But I mean, it’s there. It’s free. It just wants me to drink it. If you don’t hear from me, I passed out on my computer and had to be escorted to the plane by police.
If you want the amazingĀ Balsamic Fruit Salad recipe, be sure to check it out here on Fabulous Foods!
NutritionalĀ information per serving:
Calories: 142
Fat: 4 gramsĀ
Carbohydrates: 7.08 grams
Fiber: >1 gram
Protein: 2 grams
Weight Watchers Points: 2