A few of my favorite things: June edition
“I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don’t feeeeeeeeeeeeel, soooooo baddddd!” I mean, come on, that song has to make you smile just a leeetle bit! Right? No? Well how about this face? That should instantly melt your cold, cold heart. Another thing that always perks up my mood?
and often this too.
Obviously in no particular order. The reasoning behind today’s “off the beaten path” kinda post was because of a favorite blog of mine, MK in Wonderland. She did a fun little roundup and that inspired me to do the same. But don’t worry, a few of these favorite also link to recipes on She Knows. I mean, have you met me? Clearly food is something I care about deeply.
She Knows [aka work].
For more reasons than I can count. I love every single second I am working. Even if it’s on days like Monday where I worked from 8 am until 11pm and my hand was like crippled from typing. Yep, even on those days. Because I get to craft statement necklaces, play with flour, experiment in the kitchen and make gigantic messes every single day.Oh, and in 2 weeks they are sending me somewhere that looks like this.
Jamaica! I can’t wait. I hate to brag I’m just happy. And for those who have been reading me since last year, you know it’s something I haven’t always been.
Farmers market pizza
aka this.
With an egg! You have to make it. You’ll die. [RECIPE HERE].
Mason jars
I am in DEEP DEEP LURRVEE with mason jars lately. I honestly can not get enough of them. I love them SO MUCH I’m going to give some away (and more props) in a giveaway tomorrow! Yep, STAY TUNED!
Hanging with lights…
Filled with gin drinks…
or filled with s’mores!! Look at this amazing idea from Lovely Little Details, photo courtesy of Jessica Burke.
I also love them in a hat, with a cat, with green eggs and ham.
Rustic photo boards
I mean, I’m just obsessed. I made a few trays for work [DIY HERE!] and I’m astounded at how much of a difference they make in my photos. It’s like night and day. For another great tutorial, check out Running to the Kitchen.
That’s it! Just a few of my favorite things 🙂 Also be sure to check out the new series I started, Skinny Bitch Tuesdays! The Skinny Bitch herself even commented on it!

Tags:diy mason jar projects, easy pizza crust recipe, farmers market pizza recipe, featured, food prop boards, how to make a food board, mason jar DIY, mason jar food props, mason jars, pizza recipe, rustic diy