Tag: HLS

Five Things Friday

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It’s been a few weeks since my last Five Things Friday, and to be honest, I’ve missed it! This post is a fun way for me to talk, in real time, about my life 🙂 Plus, it gives you guys an idea of what goes on in this absurd brain […]

HLS Day 2: Holy Quinoa, Batman! Plus the 4 Things I Learned That Changed Me

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So, before we begin round two of the conference recaps, I have to admit a shameful confession. Until Friday, I’d never had quinoa. I’d heard about, read about it and thought about it but never actually tasted it. However, after my first forkful of red pepper roasted quinoa, I was […]

HLS Day 1: Frito Lay, the Mah-ket & I May Have Tried to Lick the Liberty Bell

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HI YA’LL!!! Writing this from the fabulous city of Philadelphia for the Healthy Living Summit! I’m writing this frantically because I’m, of course, running late for the breakfast and kick-off. So if you see about ten thousand ! marks and run off sentences, you know why. Hope you still like […]

My Friday + A Super Happy Hour

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It’s my Friday, baby! This time tomorrow I’ll be at the Frito Lay demonstration at the Healthy Living Summit! I’m pretty stoked to play around with potato chip flavors with Frito Lay chefs! 🙂 As you can tell, I’m pumped for the conference, but NOT pumped that I have to […]