Tag: cocktail recipes
Smashed Strawberry & Pineapple Vodka Mojitos
These smashed strawberry & pineapple vodka mojitos are the perfect cocktail for any springtimeĀ celebration! Is there anything better than a long holiday weekend? For us working gals, having a day off (where we don’t have to work) is truly the biggest blessing in the world. To be honest, I don’t […]
Melon & Kiwi Sangria
You know what mom really wants for Mothers Day? I’ll give you a hint – it’s boozy, filled with fruit and can help mama relax like nothing else. It’s this melon & berry sangria! I’ve always had a very strong appreciation for my mom. I wasn’t an easy teenager (understatement […]
Creamy Coconut & Berry Margaritas
I’ve never needed, or wanted, a margarita more in my life than I do right now. Work has been utterly crazy time. I’ve worked almost every single day this week (weekend included) and I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t writing content about the US states, territories and cities. […]
Summer Fruit & Rose Sangria
I’ve decided that Monday needs to be official cocktail day here on my blog. For many reasons, but the biggest being that, well, it’s Monday. Even doing a job I love, Mondays aren’t my favorite day of the week. I used to love them, I used to get excited about […]
Halloween Recipe Roundup
GUYS! Halloween! It’s in 3 days! How excited are you? On a scale from 1 – 10, I’m currently at a 140. Primarily because I’m spending Halloween in Mexico this year which means I get to partake in Day of Dead festivities! That’s definitely being crossed off my bucket list. […]