A Special Valentine's Guest Post for Eat Yourself Skinny
Psss! I have a big surprise for y’all later (it’s a 2 post kinda day) so be sure to come back!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
I’ll be honest, I’m SUCH A SAP for this “holiday.” I know it’s all commercialized and ridiculous to ‘force’ romance on people. But, I’m also the girl who cries at Nicholas Sparks novels (and the subsequent movies that follow), is a sucker for flowers and chocolates and just plain out, loves love. So, when I got an email from one of my good friend’s boyfriends asking if he could guest post today so he could tell the world how much he loved his girlfriend, well, I nearly broke out in tears. Kelly, you have a good, GOOD man here 🙂
Take it away Chris!
Hello, my name is Chris Gellner and I am the very lucky boyfriend of Kelly from Eat Yourself Skinny. I was trying to find a way to tell Kelly this Valentine’s Day how much I love her and let everyone else know it too. I am very thankful Claire has given me an outlet to let it be known.
To know how much I love Kelly you have to know the story of how we met. It was the summer time and like every typical summer in the Northern Virginia area it was hot and most people spend their summers at concerts tailgating. This was no different for Kelly and me but I was lucky to even meet her on that hot August 14th day. See I was supposed to be a grooms man in a wedding that got postponed which was perfect cause me and all my friends were bummed we were missing Rascal Flatts (all the girls come out to that concert and as a single guy it was awesome). Luckily I got to go to the concert and tailgate and have fun. As the night went on one of my buddy’s Ryan brought over two of his friends, Linda and Kelly, she caught my eye right off the bat. As the night went on I crept up on the lawn and finally getting the chance to dance with her, I grabbed her hand and started spinning her and trying to teach her how to dance (I have no clue how to dance anyways). I will forever remember the way she looked that night, she even had me singing “God Bless the Broken Road” in her ear.
This is Kelly and I the night we met… (We were a bit intoxicated;she is going to kill me for this picture)
After the concert I remember telling myself that if you leave this girl, you might never see her again. So I held her hand that night and never left her side. We went out partying little bit more then crashed and she had to drive me home in the morning because I left my truck with my friend Nicole (The only person I trust with my truck). As my head rang the next day and the stench of Crown Royal and Bud Light hit my nose, I could still only think of Kelly and if I called her if she would call me back and what it could become. Being single for the last year it was tough meeting nice, smart beautiful girls and Kelly was all that plus more. When I called her for the first time I remember I was so nervous and I told her that I would like to hang out with her again soon and she agreed, it took Kelly to ask me if I wanted to come over and watch a movie for us to hang out again cause I was so taken back by her (She is definitely the Beauty and I’m the Beast in this relationship). Tony’s Pizza slice and the movie “She’s out of my league” (which I already watched with my buddy cam but I lied and told her I never seen it) and this is where we are now. I couldn’t imagine being with anyone else but Kelly, She is my Best Friend, Girlfriend and My Life Partner, and I hope one day she is my wife and the mother to my kids.
Kelly and I at a wine festival, which before her, I would never have been seen there
Kelly is one of the most supportive and amazing people you will ever meet. When she met me she inherited all the Washington Redskins and Washington Capitals fandom and ran with it and attends everything with me. Just last month she carted me off to the hospital after a Hockey accident where they told me I have a concussion and a cyst on my brain and she stood right next to me as strong as could be. She is dedicated to her site Eat Yourself Skinny and has made that into something that is so amazing and successful. I am very lucky to have her.
Redskins Games are where we spend most of our fall and winter
Kelly Lynn,
As I sit here and write about a story that we have created it is hard not to get choked up and imagine where we are going to be in years to come. I don’t tell you enough how much I love you and how much I appreciate what you do for me. I have never had so much of a hard time to put into words how I feel because there is no words that can describe how I feel about you, no emotion in the world will ever explain it. I don’t know where I would be today without you Kelly and I can’t imagine life without you. I promise you that I will support you and Love you for the rest of my life. Happy Valentine’s Day sweetheart.
Love you,
Christopher Richard Gellner
Happy Valentine’s Day Kelly 🙂
And the tears are falling. Kelly, I hope you have an amazing day, trust me, it was HARD to keep this secret from you everyday!

Tags:Eat Yourself Skinny, featured, holiday, special valentine, Valentine's day
I die.Â
Mike Foley
Happy Valentine’s Day Kelly and Christopher! You too Claire!
hats off to Chris for publicly (and globally - i'm reading this in China) declaring his love for Kelly, there aren't many people that would! Chris seems just as smitten with Kelly as he was the first night he met her and even more in love with her... awesome!