Day 23: Buy for fit, not for size
Who hasn’t felt like the woman above just once in their life? I’ve had that feeling more times than I’d like to count. I have a problem of buying clothes in the sizes I used to be/want to be and not the size I actually am. Thanks to a new job where I sit most of the day, I’ve put on a few pounds, so the size 27’s are no longer a reality, they are a nightmare, and the small tops I once could rock are just a little too snug around my chest and my tummy. Although I know this to be true, I still buy those sizes in hopes I will one day fit into them with ease, not realizing that I will not be able to wear them in public until that day arrives once again.
I’m not the only woman who has these same delusional thoughts either, many of my friends have confided the same thoughts to me and all I could do was agree and sympathize. I’ve been there and it’s not a good place to be. So instead of filling my head with this crazy thoughts and filling my closet with clothes I might not wear for a long time, I’m going to replace them with confidant, healthy thoughts and clothes I can wear now!
Our society isn’t known for being all to accepting towards larger sizes, so it’s no wonder the size stigma has stuck in all of our minds. However, the days of super stick thin models and size 23 waists are slightly behind us as the focus is more on being healthy, regardless of what size jeans you wear. More plus size models are taking the runway and women are beginning to strive for size 6 instead of 2.
Although all of this progress is being made, so many women, like myself and my friends, are still stuck in the old way of thinking, that a size really does label us. Truthfully, a size is just a number, and ladies, a number does not define us. I just bought a sexy pair of True Religions [see below] and instead of buying a 27, which is what I hope to be some day, I bought a 28 because I knew they would fit and I could rock them now. And let me tell you, it was hard having to buy a “size up” but the end result is so much better. I can wear them with any top, not just one that will hide the over hang and they are my new favorites. So take a stand against the size battle and just buy what fits now, not 5 pounds from now. Clothes are what represents us and our personality, so let what represents you be something that flatters and fits! Life is too short to spend uncomfortable!
I love…knowing that no matter what I look like, Elliot will always love me.