Foodbuzz Tastemakers
Dirty Dancing & Skinny Cow Ice cream
Happy Friday y’all!! I have a fun little post for you today. A few weeks ago, I was asked by Foodbuzz to throw together a little shindig with Dirty Dancing (it’s the 25th anniversary!) and Skinny Cow ice cream. I was intrigued to begin with because….here’s the kicker friends, I’ve NEVER […]
Eat Skinny: Tofu Scramble Recipe with Kraft Singles
Happy Friday guys! It’s not just Friday, it’s Memorial Day Weekend Friday, which means a LONG weekend for many of us! Many of us doesn’t include me since I work for myself. Boo. Either way, thought I’d kick off the weekend with an AWESOME breakfast that’s delicious and vegetarian, tofu […]
Baked Green Bean Fries and “Good Living”
Oh NELLY! There is a NIP in the air today! Yesterday it was 60 degrees at 8am and today it was 32. I’m sort of OVER the weather’s bi polar attitude lately. I just want it to STICK to one temperature. Preferably the colder one because I want some of this […]
Baked Apple Donuts & Peet’s Coffee Review
On a cold day like today, a steaming cup of coffee is absolutely delightful. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t only drink coffee on cold, rainy, dreary days. I’m a 2 to 4 cup-a-day girl. However, as the weather starts to turn and I get to feeling nostalgic, a warm […]