Muller Yogurt & a Giveaway
So, I have to tell you something. I don’t actually LIKE to eat yogurt on its own. I don’t wake up in the morning and crave yogurt. It’s not that I don’t love the taste, it’s more of a texture thing. It’s hard to sit down and eat cold, somewhat gooey dairy first thing. However, it’s a really healthy, protein packed way to start your day, so I know I should eat it. So, when I was chosen to review Quaker’s new Müller yogurt, I was a little excited and a little worried.
They sent an entire box of yogurt, which quickly filled up the bottom drawer of my fridge. My husband, who isn’t a fan of dairy (or it isn’t a fan of him) grabbed one of the FrutUp varities and inhaled it. “Hey, it’s good! Sort of tastes like dessert.” Was his general consensus. Well, if he likes it, I guess I should try it, right? So I grabbed one of the Müller Corners and opened it up. And SURPRISE! It had little luscious chocolate flakes to pair with your yogurt and an easy, bendable container so you can easily pour.
Even though I’m usually wary of textures, I absolutely loved the contrast of the crunchy to the soft. Same with the taste. I loved the sweet, chocolate taste of the flakes with the tangy flavor of the yogurt. Because that one went over so well, I decided to try another one. I mean, we had a whole box, I should at least try a few the day they arrive, right? So I eyed the honeyed apricot Greek corner and whipped it open.
Honey and yogurt is one of the best flavor pairings ever, in the history of the world. Plus, the honey adds a natural sweetness to the tangy, tart yogurt without the need for a ton of preservatives. I think the honey was even better than the chocolate. After eating my fill, I decided to do a bit of research on the company and found this fabulous infographic! You could put anything in an infographic and I’d happily read it. So, politicians and news people? Info-graph that shizz, and I’ll finally care a bit.
I’m probably Quaker’s number 1 fan, so I was also a little worried about reviewing their new yogurt. Luckily, I love it so Quaker and I can continue on our happy way, holding hands and singing about oats. And now yogurts! From a health perspective, Müller yogurt is made from reduced-fat, Grade A milk and is a good source of calcium and protein. Natural yogurt is healthiest on it’s own, but if you want some natural sweetness, I’d highly recommend pairing it with honey.
If you can’t decided which flavor to top your yogurt with, why not try a few? Mix and match? Because we had 12085038 cartons of yogurt to go through, I made a larger parfait one morning with honey, almonds, some sliced peaches and a sprinkling of granola.
It was amazing!
That is one thing I love about yogurt; you don’t have to eat it alone! You can pair it with other healthy ingredients for a breakfast you’ll want to jump out of bed to eat.
The lovely folks at Müller are also kind enough to let me host a giveaway here so you can try the yogurt yourself! They are giving away 10 free coupons ($15 value) to one of you lucky readers. So, go ahead and enter the fabulous prompts below! Good luck!
As a part of the DailyBuzz Food Tastemaker program, Müller™ provided me with a stipend and product for sampling. Thoughts and opinions are my own. Learn more about Müller™ here.