Tag: healthy comfort food

Eat Skinny Be Skinny: Bacon Mac N Cheese

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If you’ve kept up with me on here, you know by now I love macaroni and cheese and since my adventures into the cooking world, I’ve found some delicious low-calorie and low-fat alternatives to my once beloved Velveeta. As with the rest of my life, I tend to bore easily, […]

Meal Makeover: Macaroni & Cheese

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Looks delicious, but can be hazardous to your waistline! As a kid growing up, macaroni and cheese was my guilty pleasure. I ate it at least 3x a week and that was that. I ate it for lunch, for a snack and for dinner.  And I wasn’t the only one. […]

15 foods with healing power

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Call them the witches of the food world, these healthy treats have magical powers! http://eatthis.womenshealthmag.com/slideshow/15-foods-cure?cm_mmc=ETNTNL-_-2010_01_28-_-HTML-_-hed