Sponsor Shout Out: Fabulous Foodie Friends
Gawwwdd, is anyone else just SO happy it’s Friday? I mean this week. This week was…dumb. Just a big ball of frustration. But, alas it’s over and I’m excited for the weekend. So friends, let’s get this weekend started with a bang with a little shout out to some fabulous sponsors I have!
I’d like to introduce you to the beautiful Stephanie (or Stephie) of Eat Your Heart Out!
She lives in the burbs of one of my favorite cities, Chicago and is an avid and obsessed baker and cook. I love her site because her food is “from the heart”. You know each bite of one of her delicious recipes will make you feel good and give you the warm and fuzzies. Not only is her food from her heart, so is her writing. Her posts read like she’s sitting next to you telling them, which makes you feel more like a friend than a reader. And I just love that. So guys! Check out her beautiful blog and drool over her luscious recipes here, send her a tweet saying HI here and give her some Facebook love here!
Now, onto one of her recipes I’m seriously wishing I had in front of me right now.
Coconut lemon meltaways, aka a vacation in your mouth. How absolutely DELICIOUS do these look? I’d like ten of them since I’m currently daydreaming of tropical beach vacations. I’m pretty sure I’d eat these for breakfast right now dipped in my coffee!
Now I’d like to welcome the fabulous Sana, of SuperSana!
I absolutely LOVE Sana and her blog, she’s a definite daily read. She’s funny, sassy, super smart and real. She’s honest and open about her struggle with weight loss and as a girl going through the same thing, I completely relate. What I love about reading her blog is it doesn’t feel like reading, it feels like you’re sitting over some cocktails or food while she’s telling you these hilarious stories of her life. Plus, her blog is a big mix of food, real life, weight loss and fitness. Her recipes are labeled under “food I pretend to cook” and her workouts are under “attempted workouts,” I mean, how could you not love this girl? BE SURE to check out her blog here, send her a tweet here and give her some Facebook lovin’ here!
Now onto one of her delicious recipes, which holy cow I want to eat immediately.
Like this cream cheese filled french toast. I mean, what else can you say besides HOLY EFF I NEED THAT. The perfect breakfast for a lazy Saturday morning, don’t you think? Oh and it’s made with almond milk. Where do I sign up?
And last but certainly NOT least, the beautiful Kiri of Healthy Foodie Travels!
Kiri is one of the sweetest people ever, really. She’s a German living in the US who just, you know, completed her doctorate in Molecular Biology and Microbiology. Not only can she cook, she’s also a little bit smart 🙂 As you read this, Kiri is taking a little time off from her blog to live, spend time with her wife and travel, which I get. But still make sure you head over and say HI, We miss you, Come back soon because her presence in this blog world will be sorely missed. Kiri and I are kindred spirits (minus the whole smart biology thing) because she has this innate desire and love for traveling and exploring new places. On her blog you’ll find not just delicious recipes, but stories of her travels and her weight loss struggle. She’s lost 96 pounds, can you give this girl a high-five! She’s just a great person to know so go check out her lovely blog here and send her a tweet of encouragement here.
Now onto a healthy, sustainable recipe from her site!
Balsamic green beans and mushrooms. Easy, good and healthy. The perfect side dish to a grilled fish or meat, wouldn’t you say?
Have a great weekend folks!