Superfood of the Week

Superfood of the Week: Salmon

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This aquatic protein has been a long time favorite of health nuts, nutrition-ites and fitness junkies for years due to the major health benefits it offers. Salmon, like many other fishes, are low in fat and calories, and are high in protein and omega fatty acids. What also makes salmon […]

Superdrink of the Week: Vino

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I’m a very big fan of wine , but that is not the only reason I’m featuring it as this week’s superfood! Wine, besides being full of feel good elixers, is also full of added health benefits if drank in moderation. This drink is good for happy hours and a healthy heart!  Now, […]

Superfood of the Week: Avocados

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This green, soft and delicious superfood is more than just the main ingredient in guacamole, it’s chock full of health benefits and weight loss elixirs! The avocado is known as a fat fighter due to the fact that it is high in monounsaturated fats, or the good fats. According to SELF magazine, dieters who consumed […]

Superfood of the Week: Pomegranate

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I’m jumping on the pomegranate bandwagon this week because this food, which is often overlooked in the fruit and juice aisles, is just too full of great stuff to ignore! So what makes this exotic fruit so healthy? Researchers have reported that pomegranates are very rich in antioxidants that can keep levels of […]

Superfood of the Week: Cheese

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How can a food that is associated with pizza, nachos and mozzarella sticks possible be a super food of the week? Cheese has gotten a really bad rap, and honestly, its not the cheese’s fault. What makes cheese so unhealthy is when it is  deep fried or covered in grease! Cheese has endless […]

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